Symbol Mark

Shape the letters 'DB' into a shape

Creatively evolving the traditions and spirit of the 'East' to keep up with the times

  • By applying the orange and green colors of the existing CI, the history and tradition of 'East' is inherited, and the color blue, which means 'East' and 'Youth', expresses will and hope for the future.
  • It also includes the meaning that 'sun' (orange) and 'water' (blue) meet to create 'life' (green).
  • Applying a gradation effect to the color of the figure gives three-dimensionality and dynamism

Logo Mark

DB means ‘Dream Big’ and contains a new will to prepare for the future with big dreams and ideals.

  • Inheriting the CI identity of the existing 'East' by using green
  • It expresses a flexible corporate culture and mindset toward the inside and outside by connecting the B-shaped internal figure (white part) into one without breaking it.
  • It pursues readability and aesthetics at the same time by designing simple and soft within the range that does not deviate too much from the standardized typeface.


  • A signature is a formalized representation that ideally combines a symbol and logotype, and is the most direct way to recognize a company extern
  • Signatures can be left-right, top-bottom, or vertical, depending on their function and use.
  • In principle, the left-right combination is applied, and the proportion, spacing, and size of symbols and logotypes must never be arbitrarily changed, and the colors must comply with the color regulations.

Color System

  • Color is an important expressive element that can make a company stand out, so be careful how you use it.
  • As a rule of thumb, give priority to using gradient colors, but only use solid colors if you can't reproduce the gradient.