CEO Message
Welcome to our website
DB Metal is a leader in ferroalloy production that has utilized technology and innovation in our passion to produce and develop the finest of products for nearly four decades.

Supplying the world with our ferroalloys...
DB Metal provideds more than half of the total manganese ferroal-loys (ferromanganese and silicomanganese) consumed in South Korea. Through continued globalization and expansion efforts we have become the second largest producer and supplier of high-value added refined ferroalloys (Medium / Low carbon Ferromanganese and Low Carbon Silicomanganese) in the world. An increase in global demand for high strength steel has improved our market and fueled our growth. Determined to stay viable and at the fore front of our indus-try, DB Metal remains committed to developing. producing, and supplying products like ULPC FeMn (Ultra Low Carbon and Phospho-rus Ferromanganese), Low Nitrogen FeMn, and Low Boron Sillicoman-ganese.
Refusing to be ordinary or maintain status quo, we vow to double our effort at becoming highly regarded around the world for our ferroalloys. Our Vision of becoming "A Excellent Global Company" will be realized through the implementation of new business engines designed to promote sustainable growth which will be supported by our strategy for business diversification.
Thank you for your continued support...
DB Metal is a leader in ferroalloy production that has utilized technology and innovation in our passion to produce and develop the finest of products for nearly four decades.
We really appreciate your support and encouragement, it has been a wonderful experience... may it continue indefinitely.